Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

2. Adventures of Tintin 2 : Abe in Himalayas V 1.1

In the heart of NYC, Abe’s cozy apartment was a picture of calm. Rays of sunlight filtered through the window, casting a warm glow on his collection of artifacts from around the world. Among them, a small statue of Maitreya Buddha caught his eye. Little did he know that this statue would be the harbinger of his next grand adventure.

Abe settled down to a steaming cup of coffee. His pet Kuki, the teacup Yorkie watched from the next seat. Abe smiled at Kuki. In the next chair, Liam sat down, engrossed in the newspaper.

The next moment Kuki tensed. His ears had perked up and he was looking towards the closed entrance door.

The next moment there was a knock on the door. Abe paused. Then he opened the door gingerly. A finely crafted envelope fell to the floor. Abe picked it up. It was adorned with intricate designs that seemed to dance in the light. His sharp eye caught something. The letter did not have a postage stamp. Abe rushed to the balcony to find a man walking away briskly. He was not the postman.

Abe frowned. Then he carefully opened the envelope. Inside was a handwritten letter, inviting him to witness and report on the annual Mask Dance Festival. It was an invitation from the Abbot of Menri Monastery in India.

Dear Mr. Abe

Greetings from Menri Monastery!

Your fame as a reporter has spread far and wide. We invite you to witness the breathtaking Cham performed by our monks.

We have made special arrangements for your stay. You will have the company of ancient Himalayas; breathe in the crisp and clear mountain air and immerse yourself in Tantra and Mantra. And if they so wish, the Gods might grant you a wish!

Abe drew in deeply and closed his eyes. He could see the Himalayas… tall, cold, and majestic. Abe’s heart fluttered.

‘What is it, Abe?’ He handed over the letter to his friend Liam

‘Ohh… an invitation to the Himalayas… hope you meet Yeti there!’ His friend Liam gurgled. ‘If you meet one, throw him a lollypop and run.’  Abe rolled in laughter, imagining a lollypop-sucking Yeti.

Liam was a lover of Culture and religion. ‘I wish I could come,’ he muttered under his breath.’

Kuki turned his head sharply, ran over to Abe, and barked. Abe lifted him, ‘Of course, I am taking you.’

Kuki kept barking, pointing a paw at Liam. Abe was puzzled. Then it dawned on him. ‘You want Liam to come?’

Kuki jumped off and climbed onto Liam and raised his right paw for a high-five.

‘You coming Liam?’

Liam shrugged his shoulders. ‘I don’t have an invitation.’

‘They are gracious people, of course, they wouldn’t mind.’

Liam’s face started to glow like a monk’s. ‘They wouldn’t mind? They wouldn’t? I can come?’

‘Yeah… what fun it will be! You, me and Kuki, and the spiritual Himalayas! They all hugged.

Abe went to the world map and traced his finger from Brussels to India, imagining the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cultures that awaited him. Kuki wagged his tail in agreement as if sensing the thrill of the upcoming adventure.

As the days turned into weeks, Abe and Liam prepared meticulously for their journey. Abe gathered supplies and read about the Himalayas.  Liam taught him about the Buddhist and Bon religions.

Finally, the day dawned as the cab took them to the Airport. Kuki waved to other riders who blew kisses to the cute dog.

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